

We rest within the hazel shelter of curious eyes,

two isolated forces igniting the nightscape,

making poetic overture with what we assumed were just fireflies as our glittering audience

And so, with such grandeur, we danced.

Unaware, we were, to the great company behind the veil

who celebrated with the moonrise, even as the romance faded

Faded, not to be cruel, dear Kindness, but to show us what we could not see before the collision;

Wonder. Adventure. Solace. Torment.

And, I daresay, love


How could we ever truly speak with regret if such love exposed our wounded souls,

putting us on dazzling display, not for mockery, but for endurance?

Would we not have crashed in a cacophony of light and song, we would still be roaring through the darkness

Wanting flowers. Needing tenderness. Loathing the cold.


And, the world behind the veil saw it from beginning to end,

knowing we would likely plummet before the sun rose,

knowing we would likely scar if we refused to untangle our fingers from one another

The connection made us better. The connection made us weep.


But, when I look beyond the veil, I wonder,

so stupefied by a higher calling beyond desire and gratification that emboldens my will to survive and trust, even in the pain

Especially in the pain

Through this, remarkably, our destiny develops a clarity that stretches to the heavens, foretelling of a fate devoid of calamitous crashing or a dismal fade

As love commits to all, it heals all things, believes all things. Hopes for better days.

And hope isn’t nothing, dear Kindness

It’s everything 

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